Stop Jet Lag on Your Next Trip

"This All-Natural Cure for Jet Lag May Be the Best Thing Ever"

Travel+Leisure: Travel Tips

Travelers with Concur itineraries

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Katie Couric and Sarah Spagnolo from Travel+Leisure discuss the major jet influences addressed by Stop Jet Lag

Courtesy of Katie - katie's Travel Toolkit

" will actually create a custom plan just for you.

They'll take into account your exact itinerary and recommend things like

  • when you should be waking up,
  • when you should be going to sleep,
  • what you should be eating, drinking,
  • when you should be opening your windows,
  • when you should be exposing yourself to sunlight,
  • when you should eat."

"All of these things really do make a difference. So this is a big issue and something that Stop Jet Lag is a great resource for."

Sarah Spagnolo from Travel+Leisure