Stop Jet Lag on Your Next Trip


"I cannot recommend it enough.

It's a great program and really works!"

"I've travelled a lot and I've never experienced a lack of jet lag like this."

Patti Clark

‘This Way Up’ book tour from New Zealand to San Francisco

Photo of David Pollack in Argentina

"Zero jet lag in Argentina; even with the complex flight schedule!"

"Trip was very, very successful. Eight members of the expedition made it to the top of Aconcagua (22,800 feet). The plan helped me hit the ground climbing." David Pollack, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley, Hong Kong

Photo of Jordan Goldstein in Shanghai

"StopJetLag plans have been fantastic"

"I have used StopJetLag on multiple trips over the last year to Shanghai, Beijing, New Delhi, and Bangkok. The plans have allowed me to hit the ground running in whatever city I land in." -- Jordan Goldstein, Managing Director, Gensler, Washington, DC

Photo of Rosie and Ladd Jones in Russia

"Add Russia to our list of places we've benefitted hugely from StopJetLag"

"In Russia, we immediately adjusted to local time... whereas many on our tour were sleeping and missed many of the sights. We were raring to go from the moment we landed. The program works great!!!" -- Rosie and Ladd Jones

Photo of Dr. Ron Wohrle and family in South Africa

"Once again worked excellently!!"

"StopJetLag worked better than I could have ever imagined or predicted! We traveled nine time zones eastwardly, followed the plan, and we virtually experienced NO JET LAG!!! On our return to the US, traversing nine time zones, it once again worked excellently!! -- Dr. Ron Wohrle, Seattle, WA

Learn How We Help You Consistently Beat Jet Lag with the "The Art and Science of Jet Lag" series   
Learn How We Help You Consistently Beat Jet Lag with the
"The Art and Science of Jet Lag" series
Photo of Stuart McFaul

"I not only had NO jet lag, but I was as fresh as if I was in my own time zone."

"When I had to travel to China for a VERY important business trip I contacted StopJetLag. They took my travel details and forwarded me a comprehensive sleeping/eating plan. I followed it (it was extremely easy). Here's the upshot: I not only had NO jet lag, but I was as fresh as if I was in my own time zone. On my return, no jet lag again." -- Stuart McFaul, President, Spiralgroup

Photo of Carla Hellekson, MD, Sleep Researcher in Turkey

"The time zone transition was very smooth going both ways."

"Your plan for Steve and my 18 day Turkey trip leaving from Seattle in October was awesome. We used the StopJetLag App, on my mobile phone, which was so convenient. The time zone transition was very smooth going both ways. I continue to highly recommend StopJetLag to my patients, colleagues and friends, Thanks!"

Carla Hellekson, MD, Sleep Researcher (

  • Sleep Research Fellowship at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
  • Fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine
  • Charter member of the Society for Light Therapy and Biological Rhythms
Photo of Kathryn Brooksforce

"Worth its weight in gold. Best travel dollars I ever spent"

" StopJetLag plan worked perfectly. It was easy to enjoy London from the moment the plane landed until the moment I departed. Only wish I had found StopJetLag earlier!" -- Kathryn Brooksforce, Corvallis, OR

Photo of Jon and Catherine d'Alessio in Rome

"Immediately back in sync"

"My husband and I just returned from Italy crossing nine time zones. After following the StopJetLag recommendations we were ready to enjoy Rome from the moment we arrived. And, most amazingly, once home, we immediately were back in sync with California time." -- Jon and Catherine d'Alessio, Ross, CA

Photo of Bill Shelley in Yangzhou, China

"I was amazed with the results"

"I traveled to several cities in China and Taiwan without using StopJetLag. I had a miserable trip and was even more miserable on my return. On my next trip I used StopJetLag and was amazed with the results. The plan gave instructions on when and what to eat on days leading up to and including travel. The instructions were thorough and easy to follow. On this trip I slept well every night in Asia and was immediately able to return to my normal schedule once I returned to the U.S." -- Bill Shelley, Piezo Systems Engineer at Emo Labs Inc.

Photo of Peter Warren in Cambodia

"Great and quick service - at last something that promises much and delivers!"

"I used StopJetLag for a long trip from Cambodia to Vancouver, Canada on Christmas Eve. Basically the plan worked brilliantly! Apart from a little tiredness there was no jet lag either way! On my return to Cambodia I was fine for a business meeting the following afternoon." -- Peter Warren, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Photo of Nigel Palmer in New York City

"It definitely made a big difference"

"Your plan made a big difference to me. I especially noticed it coming back home from USA to England, which is when I usually suffer. Apart from feeling tired on the day I arrived back, which is to be expected having only taken a long nap on the plane overnight, I didn't suffer any jet lag at all." -- Nigel Palmer, Chilbolton, England

Photo of Dawn Dresser in Moscow

"People were amazed how well I did."

"When I went to Russia, my StopJetLag plan helped me adjust quicker than my 16 year old. My first night I had the best night's sleep that I had had in years! -- Dawn Dresser, Charlotte , North Carolina

Photo of Dr. David Welsh

"StopJetLag delivered truly impressive results."

"I needed to fly from Dallas-Fort Worth to Amsterdam in order to deliver a keynote address for 400 employees of a major multinational corporation--and it was going to be a very quick turnaround. By scrupulously following the StopJetLag recommendations, I deplaned in Amsterdam feeling rested, focused and completely ready to do business. Less than 48 hours later I flew back to Dallas and when I got off the plane I felt like I was coming home from a normal day at the office!" -- David J. Welsh, Ph.D., Psychologist and Speaker

Photo of Rosie and Ladd Jones in Australia

"Thanks to your plan, we had NO jet lag on either end."

"We recently returned from Australia, New Zealand and Fiji... Thanks to StopJetLag, we had NO jet lag on either end after traveling for 41 hours across many time zones. I am 73 and my husband is 76. We were really concerned about how we would feel but we adjusted to the new time zone immediately." Rosie and Ladd Jones, Atlanta, GA

Photo of Andy Cohen

"The process is magic!"

"I assumed that jet lag was a fact of life when traveling. StopJetLag has allowed me to keep my flow of business going despite crossing 12 time zones. I am able to fly 20 hours straight, arrive in the country and begin working as if I lived there." -- Andrew Cohen, Author

Photo of Joseph Jaworski

"Best return on investment you'll EVER get"

"I've used a StopJetLag plan over 100 times on frequent trips to Europe, Australia and India. Since I have been using StopJetLag, I have been able to overcome the effects of jet lag almost completely. For a reasonable investment, you are more productive and have more fun!" -- Joseph Jaworski, Generon Consulting, Beverly, Massachusetts

Photo of Steve Fowler

"It has literally cured my jet lag woes."

"I travel approximately 200,000 flight miles a year through extreme time zone changes. I had tried all kinds of 'plans' to no avail. Now I use StopJetLag and I follow it religiously. While the website refers to this as a 'plan', I refer to it as a 'cure'. I know that I could not maintain my travel schedule and energy without the plan." -- Steve Fowler, President, The Licensing Shop, Inc.

Photo of Ken Dwight

"As always, it worked 100%!"

"Just returned from London and my fifth overseas trip using StopJetLag. Like the other two trips to the U.K. and two trips to Australia, I never experienced one minute of jet lag. I wouldn't dream of taking such a trip without StopJetLag." - Ken Dwight, The Virus Doctor

"Worked like a charm!"

"I used StopJetLag for a trip to Ireland from Baltimore. I followed the suggestions quite closely. The program worked! I had so much energy that I went bike riding, walking, sightseeing, and to a welcome dinner without being tired. By 11 PM, I was ready to get in bed and slept well that night." - Michael Dopkin, Baltimore, MD

"Throughout these trips I remained rested"

"Two weeks before my wedding, I flew to Geneva to negotiate a critical manufacturing deal. After three days of round-the-clock negotiations, I returned to California on Thursday afternoon and was back at work Friday morning. I briefed my staff, got married, and departed on a honeymoon tour of the South Pacific. Throughout these trips I remained rested using the StopJetLag plan." -- Jason Carlson, Vice President and General Manager, Consumer products division, Cirrus Logic

"I couldn't have survived this trip without StopJetLag"

"StopJetLag mapped out the perfect plan for me when I went to Australia. It was a combination of light, food, melatonin, and exercise. The plan told me exactly when to set my watch to Australia time. I was bright-eyed and bushy tailed. Everyone else whined and slept on the bus all day." -- Eva Henry, Host of Travel Talk Radio Show and Tuesday Takeoff TV Show

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Learn We Help You

Consistently Beat Jet Lag

with the

"The Art and Science of Jet Lag" series

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